Before the 1980s, drug testing was uncommon. It was widely viewed as an invasion of privacy and an infringement on fourth amendment rights. Today, a medical student is likely to be drug tested before entering medical school, before clinical rotations, and/or before residency. If preventing drug use among medical students is the goal of these tests, they have failed miserably. Urinalysis drug tests are ineffective. But more importantly, they are immoral.
Drug tests are ineffective for two reasons. First, they basically just test for marijuana. A 10 panel urinalysis technically tests for 10 different drugs, but marijuana is one of the only drugs that can be detected for more than 30 days. Cocaine can be detected for 4 days. Amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, heroin, and codeine all can be detected in urine for only 2 days. This means that a user of drugs far more dangerous than marijuana needs to abstain for just a couple of days. Psilocybin mushrooms, as well as several other mind-altering drugs, are not tested for at all.
For a marijuana user, a drug test might seem like a nightmare. But here we arrive at the second reason why drug tests are ineffective, they are easily beaten. A marijuana user may choose to drink a lot of water before his drug test to dilute his urine. Alternatively, he may choose to use a friend’s urine who he knows does not use marijuana. Either one of these options might work. But fortunately for such a marijuana user, there is another option that is essentially risk free, synthetic urine. There are several companies that make synthetic urine capable of beating drug tests. The word on the Internet is that Quick Fix is a safe bet. I personally know some people who would agree. At just $30 for a bottle, it looks like the drug test is no match for the free market.
Do not just take my word for it though. In 2003, the University of Michigan conducted a study on the effectiveness of drug testing students. From nearly 900 schools, the study found that drug testing, whether routine, random, or based on suspicion, had no measurable effect on drug use among students. Put simply, drug testing accomplishes nothing.
The most important concern I have about drug testing medical students is a moral one. Regardless of their effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, the endgame of drug testing is to prevent drug users from becoming doctors. Users, not addicts; and there is a big difference. A marijuana user might use on weekends or at night to relax, much like an alcohol user. A marijuana addict, although rare, is the type of person who might show up to important occasions intoxicated. The statistics on marijuana addiction vary. They usually show that less than 10% of users become addicts, but they always show that alcohol users have higher rates of addiction. A urinalysis detects alcohol for no more than 12 hours after use. This means that medical students who use alcohol are more likely to be addicted, and they face basically no risk of failing a drug test.
Should we be worried about medical students being drunk in clinical settings? Of course. And we should also be worried about medical students being high in clinical settings. Intoxication could be disastrous and it needs to be prevented. The good news is that this is done naturally. It is highly unlikely to find medical students who are addicts of marijuana, alcohol, or any mind-altering drug. I believe it is safe to say that the rigor of medical school itself prevents drug addicts from becoming doctors. There are, however, drug users who will make it into medical school or other rigorous scientific careers. Actually, many of them thrive. Richard Feynman, Kary Mullis, and Francis Crick used marijuana and LSD, Carl Sagan used marijuana, and Oliver Sacks usedseveral illicit drugs. When drug tests are required for every medical student, the casual drug user, no matter how much potential he has, is bullied for no reason. The potentially dangerous drug addict has already been weeded out long ago.
Medical school is supposed to be based on science. The science shows that drug testing does not work. If it did work, then many great scientists would have been removed from their professions. These facts alone should be enough to settle the issue, but it is important to look at two more moral objections we should all have.
First, drug tests are not free. Before entering medical school, I paid about $30 for one. This does not sound like much. But charging students even one penny is unacceptable, for there is not even a fraction of a penny in benefit from these tests. The nearest drug testing facility for me was a 20 minute drive from my house. I could have driven anywhere for 20 minutes and just handed $30 to any random person. Surely, that $30 would bring more value to society than $30 wasted on a drug test. Imagine if a police officer searched a person’s car for drugs against his will, found none, and then charged this person $30. That is the reality of drug testing.
Second, drug tests are an invasion of privacy. Medical students should not be forced to prove their innocence. This creates a guilty until proven innocent environment. It immediately creates resentment among students, and rightfully so. Furthermore, what about people with paruresis? The International Paruresis Association estimates that 7% of people suffer from this condition, also known as shy bladder. Type “paruresis drug test” into a search engine and spend some time reading through the horror stories that are shared. These people suffer from a medical condition, and of all places, their medical school is completely inconsiderate.
Drug testing is a moral and scientific failure. Medical schools should be too embarrassed to take part in such nonsense.
You act as though medical students are the only students who have a lot of expenses and who have to jump through hoops before they can become legit! Poor medical students. Every medical student has the opportunity to find out what is entailed before they become a doctor, BEFORE they apply for schooling. If you don't like the requirements, find another line of work.
ReplyDeleteDon't sit and bitch about it like a little whiney-hiney.
The drug tests do NOT only test for marijuana. The code section specifies right in Prop 46 language (which you refer to in another online post):
Title 49: Transportation
Subpart F—Drug Testing Laboratories
§40.85 What drugs do laboratories test for?
As a laboratory, you must test for the following five drugs or classes of drugs in a DOT drug test. You must not test “DOT specimens” for any other drugs.
(a) Marijuana metabolites.
(b) Cocaine metabolites.
(c) Amphetamines.
(d) Opiate metabolites.
(e) Phencyclidine (PCP).
Drug testing only hopes to find out if someone is high on drugs, not emphatically prove it one way or the other. It's used as a deterrent in hopes that people will realize they shouldn't be doing drugs if they're in safety positions...holding the safety of others or themselves in their hands. Just like we have speeding laws that hopefully tells people, if you speed, you can get a ticket. It doesn't prevent people from speeding, but think of all the people that don't speed (or at least slow down when they see a cop) because there is a law.
Bullied. You're such a drama-queen. Again, if you don't want to be drug tested, find another line of work. I had to join a union in order to be paid to care for my disabled sister, and get my health insurance. I didn't like it, I don't like giving my hard earned money to a union that did nothing for me, but I did it because that is what was required of me, and I knew it going into the job.
Your drug tests as a student should be considered part of the money it costs to be a medical student. It's idiotic to separate it out. If you wanted to be a piano major, do you think you could get by without buying a piano and music and paying a tuner to tune your instrument? It's all part of the costs of being a student.
You're just picking on the drug testing so you can have a little public tantrum about it.
Drug tests are NOT an invasion of privacy. If someone is showing up to work in a public place, inebriated, that is not private. You're inflicting your choices on another person. If you want to do drugs in private, relieve yourself from your doctor schedule until you have no signs of the drug left in your system. You have no right to inflict your poor choices on your patients. Millions of people live every day of their lives without being on drugs for recreational purposes, so doctors can do it too, and most do. Most doctors want to do the right thing and be the best they can be for their patients. It's people like you who want to be able to get stoned AND inflict yourself on others despite it being unprofessional and dangerous.
DeleteWe are forced to prove our innocence in many ways in life. Every time we go to the airport we have to prove that we don't have a weapon that could kill someone or take down an entire plane or building. Are you bitching about that as well? To become a notary public I had to submit to a DOJ and FBI background check. They looked into my personal business just so I can verify someone's ID on a document. Even when you go to a rock concert, you have to prove that you don't have a weapon or a camera.
You CHOOSE to be resentful. Thousands and thousands of students go to medical school and never make a peep about being drug tested, and likewise doctors in their professions, as well as pilots, firefighters, school bus drivers, truck drivers, etc.
So get over it! Just because you say something is a failure, doesn't make it true.
I think you might need to move to Russia. Or some place where people all hate freedom as much as you. Maybe the Islamic State.